vacant buildings vanished dreams screen shot sanctuary julie casper roth

vacant buildings vanished dreams screen shot sanctuary julie casper roth

FRI September 30, 2016. 6:00-9:00pm
Freedom Square, 39 5th Avenue, Troy, NY

In collaboration with the Workforce Development Institute, this media arts mapping project includes walking tours led by Breathing Lights neighborhood ambassadors and expresses working people’s economic, social and personal experiences as they struggle to survive amidst urban blight. Featured videos include works by Youth Media Sanctuary, media artist Julie Casper Roth and artist Melissa Sarris.

As part of Troy Night Out, from 6-9pm, a Breathing Lights shuttle loop will run frequently among the openings at the Sanctuary (near NATURE Lab and Freedom Square), the Arts Center for the Capital Region, Collar Works Gallery and through the Breathing Lights installation in North Troy.